Wednesday, July 11, 2007

10 remedies for pregnancy nausea

1. Try high-protein or high-carbohydrate snacks such as peanuts, soda crackers and granola bars. These will soak up excess stomach acid and prevent blood sugar swings that can lead to nausea.

2. Eat small, frequent meals to avoid having an empty or too-full stomach.

3. If you don't have to wake up at a set time, don't. Get as much rest as possible and ease into your day.

4. Carry hard candy with you. Sometimes, sucking on something tart or sweet can ease nausea.

5. Take vitamins with your biggest meal of the day.

6. Keep a damp cloth at your bedside to place over your eyes or on your forehead when you feel ill.

7. Exercise, preferably outdoors. The fresh air will help.

8. When traveling by car, be a driver instead of a passenger.

9. With your caregiver's permission, try a chewable antacid.

10. Undergo acupressure treatments or wear acupressure wristbands.

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