Friday, July 13, 2007

Sakae Sushi Lunch at Icon Village

Met Sal, Bubbles, Agnes, Meow and Sam for lunch at the Icon Village for Sakae Sushi

I love Weiwen!!!
so chubby and adorable.

Do I look as if i am his mummy and Sam the daddy. ~nei nei ni bu bu~
(The father of Weiwen oso call Sam but different surname LOL)

Me and Weiwen

Sam and Weiwen

Me and Hubby

First 8 colour plates for $1 each and offer valid till today. The lunch costs us $40+.

But I tot the food standard is not as good as the other outlets. Never mind it's the company.
While we ate, Bubbles and colleague and Sal helped to entertain Weiwen. And Meow had 2 rounds ar Sakae Sushi.
Hmm, wonder if she is serious about dieting.


bEll said...

good lor never call me.. today i ate a sad lonely lunch wor.. :(

cHaRmaiNe said...

alamak like i said, ur timing cannot confirm leh.
always last minute cant go or can join.
next time ask ur young and handsome boss to join us then u can openly have excuse to join lah

steady rite!