Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Adel is officially 2

Finally my Adel has reached the Big 2 milestones.

Woke up as usual and send her to school then Sam and me head down to HDB.
Sad to say, we would need to send in our appeal for the rental of 1 room HDB flat for my ILs.
If this appeal failed, then we will have to look at the options of buying the flat direct from HDB or open market or even studio apartment.
These options will leave us cash strapped.

Angry with the Kiddy Palace. Opened at 10.30am then slowly do their opening cash count and then MIA. How long do they wan to customers to wait? If they are not ready yet, then leave the iron gate down. So pissed that we left. A pleasant surprise we have cos the poor car is covered with bird shit!!!! Sam was not happy cos I was the one who insist to park at the open space carpark instead of the multi-storey carpark.
Head to Balestier for car wash and Sam still not happy cos he say the water too strong and the soap they use damage car lah. He prefer his precious car to be handwash by Sam's Pte Ltd.

Head to Plaza Singapura to collect my Missy Donuts.
No queue, fantastic.
Anyway i just queue, collect, pay and go. Why?
Cos my sister is working there and already sms her my order.

Lunch at Xin Yuan Ji (FBH) with Eunice, Jen, Bec, Sally and AJ.
Afterwhich we head home to prepare for the Birthday celebrations at Adel's CC while the rest went for short shopping spree.

Reached Adel's CC around 2.45pm.
The lights still off and the kids still having their nap (for some).
Saw Adel sleeping very cosily at one corner with her group. LOL this little fella actually sleep across to her friend's mattress.
She woke up and cried when she saw me. Must have been startled to see mummy in CC.

The kids are excited and teachers helped to settled the kids down and prepare the cake.
Adel just had a blur look on her face.

p/s: there is a little gal in Adel's playgroup that looks like shyann. and she is from philippines.
try to load her pic if i can

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