Sunday, August 19, 2007

Adel's Achievement

Firstly, we have been trying to get Adel to sleep in her OWN room and cot for a long time.
Few days ago, was chatting with my yakkers group on mattress and some were sharing that they co-sleep together in the kids' room.

I tried it out.
Adel willingly went to her cot and sleep while I co-sleep with her on the bunk bed
(Sam has bought this bunk bed long long time ago cos we were talking abt having another kid and then where the kids are gng to sleep etc. so he bought it when he tot it was a good bargain but way too early LOL).
This morning Adel woke up at 9.30, grab her pillow and simply lean on my leg. I ask her to go back to her bed and sleep properly. She DID!!
And she slept for another hour.

Secondly, tried to let Adel go diaper-less for the whole day. She was supposed to tell me that she is to weed or pooed and I will bring her the potty.
From the time she finish her bathe and lunch, wet herself once. That was almost 5 minutes after she peed in the potty.

Then it's nap with her diaper and in her own room. Clever gal the diaper was dry as new piece when she wakes up.
Till the end of the day, she wet herself again.

Well, I've considered that these are BIG achievements for Adel and I am so proud of her.
Hopefully she can sleep on her own without mummy in the same room and can be toilet train soon.
Well Done my princess!!

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