Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Teachers' Day

Bought some flower keychains for all the teachers and helpers at Adel's CC in view that Teachers' Day is around the corner.

The teachers loved it very much and were thanking me when I went to fetch Adel last evening.

Hee bought 20 flower keychains and thought there will be extras since Ms Ng (Supervisor) and Teacher Sharon told me there are 15 of them.
Still dun feel good about it, in case I missed out a few of them cos I felt that there should be more of them. The day before a self drawn list of all the Teachers is pasted on the wall outside the CC and I counted 19 of them.
Hee luckily I din give away the extra 5 otherwise some of the teachers will not receive the gift.

Ms Ng told me that she use the flower to bun up her hair. Hmm, idea!
And the teachers bought some milk candies for Adel in return.

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