Friday, August 24, 2007

Misunderstanding Cleared

Finally misunderstanding is cleared and everyone is feeling happy and relieved.

Thanks to those who have helped in one way or another to engage in this happy ending.
Thanks to those who reminds me how to be more tactful.

6mths to a year no doubt is short. But it is amazing how friendship evolves and bring 2 people close together.
Some might felt that the friendship is not as close as they thought. Why? I dunno.
At least for some of us, we felt that we are a family.
When people came too close, they tend to forget theselves and relax with the people they are with, hence tend to show their 'true self' - no hidden agenda. All the goods and flaws will be exposed.

Friends should be there to constantly standup for each other, encourage and spur each other on and help without asking for returns.
When u are happy and sad, the people who are closest to you pops up in your mind and they are the people you love.

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