Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Who They Are

Advertlets.com is an Asian blog/weblog advertising network that offers the remarkably sensible proposition of targeted, unintrusive advertising that benefits the online advertising and blogger community, as well as their readers. Bloggers get better advertising that is relevant to their readers; and advertisers make their advertising dollars and their message count.

I have been blogging for awhile and it was just recently that I have gotten acquainted with a new source of revenue - earning income while blogging. I know it is late but it is better than never, right?

Isn't it exciting?
I can simply blog and earn revenue at the same time, all at my own convenience. Just realised that I can even get access to free website tools to upgrade my blog further.
Kudos! I am not that IT savvy. At least with these tools I can now beautify my blog and attract more bees :)
Still finding my way around with Advertlets.com.
Hopefully I can get some sponsors for kids' related stuff from the advertisers.
Any chance for me to do so, any kind souls out there who can make my dream comes true? Not too early to daydream, isn't it?

The Advertlets.com team is terrific as well.
They have done a great job in organising alot of contests and events for their community.
Check out the programmes they have NOW.

Check out their cool site @ Advertlets.com

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