Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Birthday Dinner

Last night met up with Valerie and Klein for Dinner @ Imperial Treasure La Mian Xiao Long Bao (御宝拉面小笼包). We had arranged to meet for dinner to celebrate my birthday. Kim was supposed to join us but she has to backed off last minute. :(

The price was reasonable but I felt that the food is so-so only. Had higher expectation for them.
I like the Shanghai Nian Gao, the stir fry style with minced chicken, mushroom and cabbage best. Soupy one dun taste that good.

After the meal, we proceed to Esplanade to have ice cream @ Häagen-Dazs.
Ended up at 2Hot Halal Café, located @ #01-13, Colours by the Bay. We ordered nachos chips, calamari and tempura prawns plus some drinks.

I love the smoothie - Think Pink. Taste wonderful but can be better if they add in some ice cubes to make it colder. Personally find it too sweet and not cold enough.
Calamari is a disappointment though cos it is not very chewy (as if chewing rubber) and over fried.
Thumbsup for the nachos and tempura prawns.

Adel wet herself cos her diaper was very very full and I din bring along extra diapers when I packed her bag in the morning. No choice, let her go diaperless and bring her to toilet before we board the car. Luckily she already toilet train and can tell me when she wanna pee or poo.

We dropped Klein at Orchard MRT, me and Adel then send Val back to Jurong.

Adel still wanna play and only dozed off when it's 11.30pm.
She had such a great time playing with Klein and Val.

Met up with Sthanson for lunch today.

Supposed to meet him at 12 noon but was held up cos one of my VP was in conference call and he is expecting someone. Can't leave the office as there was no one around to open the door for the visitor.
In the end, left office around 12.30 and quckily rush towards Wheelock's.

Went to BigO Cafe Restaurant and ordered a Salmon Fillet for myself while Sthanson had steak (sorry no pics cos too hungry and all in my tummy). A very rush lunch cos Sthanson has an appointment with customer in Jurong @ 1.15pm.

Anyone, indecent obession?
Or prefer The G Spot ~uuuuhhh so kinky~

Thanks for the dinner and vouchers - Val, Kim and Klein
Thanks Sthanson for the lunch

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