Saturday, September 15, 2007

Timid Adel

Adel suddenly vomitted when she was seated on her car seat.
Her clothes are soiled and so did the car seat.

Quickly changed her and wiped her clean, and put on her cardigan only. This blur mummy had forgotten to bring along another set of clothes.

Went over to my mum's place immediately (since we are somewhere nearer to her area) to get her clothes and wash the car seat to remove the stains and stench. It really smells!

Adel got a scare by Zoelle's neighbour's dogs.
She was waiting happily for me at the lift lobby while I chatted with Zoelle when suddenly 2 small dogs came out from the neighbours.
Upon hearing Adel's sudden cry, I turned to look at her and saw her trying to turn around and run away from the unleashed dogs. She fell flat on her nose.
Rush over to her at once and carried her away from the dogs while the owner apologise to me and quickly leashed his dogs.
We still thought that her hand was caught in the lift.

So funny.
Adel is scare of 2 small dogs.
Think I must train her to get close to animals so that she will not be scare of them.

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