Tuesday, September 9, 2008

NSRCC Swim and Bowl

Catherine invited Val and us to join her in her cell group chalet held on Sunday at NSRCC. It changed so much from our last visit 3 years back.

We changed the kids after settling down and proceed next to the pool. Adel and Janine had fun at the playpool while Kennzo and Jadon were floating in the water. Kennzo turned cranky not long after being in the pool. He wanted to sleep but his sleep was always disrupted and he was crying away. Jadon on the other hand was enjoying himself and he really loved to be floating in the water.

After the swim, we head to the poolside cafe and had some hot drinks and snacks. Kennzo still woke up crying intermitently until I put him inside the sling.

I had wanted to pay a share for the dinner but Catherine said it was okay. If I knew, I would not come along. It seemed so thick-skinned of us to join in without paying a single cent. The host, Bernard, was friendly and really did his best to us feel at home. They even invited us to join in their game of Bowling after the buffet dinner.

Thank you Catherine for inviting us over.
Thank you Bernard and wife for playing hosts to us.
Thank you WY for the bowling games.

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