Thursday, June 11, 2009

In For A Big Disappointment

I was waiting happily for them to contact me and confirmed my employment. This job possessed a great deal of challenges and it provided me with an opportunity to venture into the advertising industry.

But I were in for a BIG disapointment when the HR came back to me and told me that it would be a 3 months renewable contract. There will be no benefits and my pay would be affected be more than 50%.

Right now, I am helping my friend in his company and he wanted me to stay on and help him. I am getting the hang out of it but I wanted to try on something that poses more challenges to me. I can only leave when I have handover to his new administrative girl but that would means that I am not able to start next Monday with this advrtising firm.

I am in a dilemma.
Should I take it up and help my friend, going around job searching and take on more temp jobs?

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