Thursday, July 12, 2007

Adel 2nd Birthday

So fast Adel will be turning 2 on 14th August.

Sudden came to my mind that I should move my butt and start planning for her birthday celebration in childcare.

Checked with Ms Ng, Supervisor of Appleland Playhouse on the things that I should be aware of.
Tea Break at 3pm or was it 3.30pm???
See mummy is getting more and more forgetful (but Sam's memory is worse than me even though he dun goes thru the process of pregnancy and laour)

things to prepare:
- 15 party bags (as of now, only 15 kids in her class)
- 2kg Birthday Cake (likely a Barney design)

i might be getting some ballons for the kids from Concourse.
Will be gng to Concourse in early August to prepare the party bags.

LOL Adel will be excited to sing her Birthday Song and blow the candles.
She will also be having a joint birthday celebrations with Ah Zheng and HanHan. Their birth dates very near to one another but different yr. Nvr mind, she just tagged along.

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