Wednesday, August 15, 2007

13th August 2007

Adel nearly gulped down half a (small) bottle of listerine that I put in my office bag (left on the floor)

Her mummy, ME, was surfing net and chatting online.

Oh my gosh!!!
Luckily she just spills onto the floor and wet herself.
Coincident or not? It's the first day of 7th Month Festival

No more leaving dangerous things within Adel's reach.


Unknown said...

ya, like me lor!!! i left my empty hangbag on my bed then inside got those sacket to keep the bag moist then her daddy found her bitting it & the bag drop & we r not sure if she ate it anot..wen we question her, she said yes & tat sacket read as "DANGEROUS, DO NOT EAT! so we panicked & rush her down to KKH A&E & thank god, the doc said usually such sacket is not dangerous & it doesnt bring any harm, its hard & cant be desolved so normally they'll just poo out!! i tell u, @ tat moment, not i fainted, I NEARLY DIED!!!

cHaRmaiNe said...

sharon, that is the most horrifying moment.
but luckily our little ones came to safety.

must always remind ourselves to keep those dangerous things out of toddler's reach