Thursday, August 2, 2007

BKK Trip 26th to 29th July 07 - Day 1

Finally this is the day that I have been waiting for.

We are making our way to Changi Airport and Adel woke up early without much hassle.
She seems to enjoy herself when we reached airport especially when we reached Mac Donald for breakfast. See she loves Ronald MacDonald.

While waiting at Boarding Gate, Adel is so fascinated with the big planes and planes taking off.

On flight, the little girl is so restless. Keep wanting to play with the window shade, the in-flight tv and anything that she can laid her hands on. Adel has her own infant meal. Looks yummy and the same goes for ours.

Journey took approximately 2 hours.
Reached BKK at 1010hrs, local time. BKK is an hour behind us.

New airport is so clean and beautiful. Went to clear custom and had to go through a special picture scan. Adel tot that was taking pics and she posed when it was her turn. So funny.

Cab to hotel costs 450 bht. We decided to take Airport Express Bus that costs us 150 bht per pax. Journey took us another hour. Upon arrival at hotel, cant checked in immediately and got to wait for long for check in process.

Left our luggage at the lobby and we went to Siam Paragon for lunch. Had Thai Rice Noodle Soup - yummy but too saltish. Afterwhich we went to Gourmet Market to bought Adel’s diapers and FM and also some food. Afterwhich went back to hotel and sudden heavy downpour. Finally got to our room and start unpack.

Decide to spend the rest of our day at Siam Paragon, Siam Centre and Siam Discovery Centre. Nothing much to look at and was sourcing for the contact lenses but hell too expensive as compared to the rates Meow has told me about.

Wanted to have Swensen for dinner. Went in look at menu then realise only ICE CREAM!!! And I happily tot we can have swensen’s calamari and baked rice.
Really disappointed.

In the end had dinner at Secret Recipe at Siam Paragon.

Window shopped awhile before head back to hotel and rest.

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Kailash Chand said...
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