Thursday, August 2, 2007

BKK Trip 26th to 29th July 07 - Day 3

Usual woke up early and prepare things for the day while my piggies slept.
Adel loves to bathe and she took the bathtub as swimming pool, happily swimming in it.

Went to 4 Face Buddha and pray and Adel was fascinated with the statues and pai pai.
Afterwhich we walked diagonally across the road to Central World to wait for the rest to next destination – Naraya.
At Naraya, the mummies, simply went crazy. Adel helped me by carrying the basket of Naraya’s bags and walked about the shop. Spent close to 2000 bht just on the bags. Happy cos my SIA boarding pass entitled me to discount off my purchase. Only realise that there was discounts when I was making payments. Too bad, the girls had already paid, otherwise I can pay for them and make full use of the discounts.

Put down our things at their hotel and had our lunch at Big C before we proceed to Pratunam Centre.
So much things to see and buy at Pratunam Centre. Bought few pair of kids shoes and some pants for me (finally got something for myself). Grabbed a big luggage bag as well so that I can stuff my loots back to Singapore.

Took tuk tuk and proceed to Chinatown for dinner. Driver wanted to charge us 600bht for 3 tuk tuks. Sam bargain to 300bht in total. The ride was thrilling but too noisy and dusty. Adel dun like the ride at all.

Food not so bad and pretty value for money. But can be better. Next trip shall go to the usual restaurant that Wendy always go to.

Amy and Bec wanted to enjoy the thrill again and took tuk tuk back to hotel. We took cab back to Wendy’s hotel that cost us 65bht only.

Initial plan that sam and me shall take turn to take care of adel, then go massage.
Adel fell asleep and thus sam stayed in Mike and Wendy’s room to take care of her while we all went out. Bec and me went massage again. Shiok!!! Relieve me of my body pain. Cost us 350 bht each.

Went back to hotel and get our loot, took Adel (she was awake when I went back hotel) and took cab back to Novotel.
Sam din indicate properly that we wanna go NOVOTEL SIAM SQ instead he told driver to go to Sukhumit 5. Reached destination then realise it is the wrong way. Uncle say shld be Siam 5 instead. So mad with Sam. Why cant he just say where we wanna go? He say uncle may not noe where mah. Harlow they are local lor!!!!
The journey shld takes less than 10mins yet it took us 30mins to reach hotel.

The last nite was not enjoyable.
Had a big fight with sam back at hotel thus took adel and her milk and we went down to the lobby. Sam tried to forcefully snatched Adel away from me along the corridor of the hotel room. She cried. We went to lobby after I managed to shake him off and sat for probably 15mins cos Adel wants to go back to room.

Went back and then start to quarrel again.
This time round I left on my own without my passport and money and wander about the street of BKK. Pretty late already close to 12 MN. Wanted to walk to Wendy’s hotel but halfway through turned back and spent near to an hour at the hotel lobby before I decide to turn back.

Sam was packing the luggage when I returned. He had brought adel to go and look for me and then turned back, not knowing where I went.

Had a mild argument again, silently ended it and then slept at abt 2am.

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